Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How to Make a Glittery Wine Glass

Check out my Etsy store for this item and more!
Materials needed:
Wine Glass ( I used an acrylic wine glass in this example)
Optional: Latex Gloves especially if you use glass
Painter’s Tape
Plastic Wrap (Saran Wrap)
Wax Paper
Mod Podge
Foam Brush
Any Color Glitter you prefer (the finer the better)
Acrylic Spray

1. Start with a clean wine glass. 
     a. If you use a glass wine glass, you may consider wearing latex gloves to avoid getting fingerprints on the glass.
2. Use about 1-2 inches of painter’s tape at a time to wrap around the glass until you have overlapped the first piece of tape and the last piece of tape. Note that the bottom of the tape is where your glitter section will start. Make the bottom line as straight as possible. Use your fingernail to smooth the tape down securely.
3. Take your plastic wrap and cover the entire open area above the tape already on the glass. Once the sides and opening of the glass are covered, use small pieces of tape to secure the plastic wrap to the painter’s tape already on the glass. I start from the side so it is easier to tape down the plastic to the painter’s tape already on the glass. Be careful not to tape below the bottom of the painter’s tape already on the glass.

4. Cut 1 big square piece of wax paper bigger than the size of your wine glass. Cut three smaller pieces of wax paper. I only have three in the picture, but I split one in half for the next step.

5. Using one smaller piece of wax paper, pour a small amount of Mod Podge onto it. Dip your foam brush into the Mod Podge.
      a. It is better to pour a small amount and need more than to pour a large amount and not use it all.
6. Using the biggest piece of wax paper, hold your glass over it and apply the Mod Podge to the entire exposed area. You will want to paint a thin layer of Mod Podge on the glass, stem, and bottom (base).

7. Pour your desired color of glitter onto the Mod Podge’d area. Try to avoid touching the Mod Podge portion of the wine glass to the wax paper so the glitter does not stick to the wax paper. Once the areas are covered, lightly tap the wine glass bottom (base) against the table to remove excess glitter. Once the entire Mod Podge area is covered with glitter, set the wine glass aside onto the third piece of wax paper.
      a. Do not worry about using too much glitter (see step 8)

8. Place your glitter container on the fourth and final piece of wax paper. Take the large piece of wax paper with all the excess glitter on it and carefully fold it in half. Try to get all of the glitter into the middle of the “hotdog” folded wax paper. Sometimes gently tapping the sides of the wax paper helps while you’re holding it. Pour the excess glitter back into the glitter container.

9. If you drop some glitter onto the wax paper holding the glitter container, move the glitter container to the larger piece of wax paper and repeat step 8.

10. If you are satisfied with the wine glass, let it dry 1-2 hours. Skip steps 11-13 and start on number 14. However, I like to use two small coats of glitter to really make sure all areas of my glass are covered. You can see in the picture below that there are a few areas that are transparent by holding it up to the light.

11. I break up these next steps into three sections. First, cover only the bottom (base) of the wine glass with Mod Podge. You will be putting the Mod Podge on top of the glitter already on the glass. Cover this new Mod Podge part with glitter. Lightly tap the bottom (base) of the wine glass against the table as you go to remove the excess glitter.

12. Next, paint a layer of Mod Podge onto the stem of the glass and cover with glitter. Again, lightly tap the glass against the table to remove excess glitter.

13. Lastly, paint a layer of Mod Podge onto the last part of the glass and cover with glitter. After tapping the glass against the table to remove excess glitter, hold the glass up to the light to make sure the glitter has covered the entirety of the glass that you need it to. Let the wine glass dry for 1 – 2 hours.

After you “re-glitter” the cup, it should look like this:

14. Once your wine glass has dried, grab your wine glass and acrylic spray and head outside for this next part. Hold the glass away from you and carefully spray the entirety of glitter with the acrylic spray. Follow the directions on your acrylic spray bottle, and do two coats if you really want that glitter to stick. However, I usually complete this step at night so I can leave my wine glass outside overnight to get rid of the smell of the acrylic spray.

15. Once your wine glass has dried, take off the plastic wrap.

16. Next, carefully peel off the painter’s tape. I find it helpful to push down on glitter with my finger right next to the part I am taking off just in case some of the glitter tries to come off with the tape. As you can see in the picture, sometimes the tape will rip. Just make sure you remove every last piece of tape for a straight edge. I left the picture large so you can see the straight edge after you peel the tape.

17. Once you have removed the painter’s tape, your glass is good to go! See the tips below for anything that was not covered. Also, leave any comments, questions, or feedback you may have!

1. If your top line of the glitter is not straight, try adding some trim to it. Elastic trim has been the most helpful in the past because a little stretch to “straighten” the line is not too obvious.

2. Most people will use these at night and most likely will not hold it up to the sunlight to see through it. If you missed a couple of spots, don’t be too hard on yourself. Most likely no one will notice.

3. Do not drink out of this glass until the strong odor of the acrylic spray is gone. That smell will ruin any type of drink you use in the wine glass.

4. To clean the plastic glass:

     a. Use the smallest amount of rubbing alcohol on a Q-Tip to remove any glue you may see. Do NOT use a lot of rubbing alcohol because it will dry out the plastic and start to crack the glass.
     b. After using rubbing alcohol, you may notice some “cloudiness” to your glass. Get a small container of soap and water. Wrap a paper towel around your finger and dip it in the soapy water. Carefully buffer the glass. After your glass is clean, dip the paper towel in regular water, remove any soapiness and dry the glass. Buffer with a lint free cloth once you are finished.

5. Continue to check back for more tutorials!


  1. Hello! I followed all your steps and my glitter looks matte.. any suggestions on how to fix? TIA

    1. Could be a couple things! Check the type of spray you’re using for the finish. Also, make sure the first layer dries. You may be able to fix by creating another layer with the modge podge and glitter and then spray with the Crystal Clear acrylic. Sorry for the delayed response, but if you still have the cup, let me know if that works! Best of luck!

  2. Hello! I followed all your steps and my glitter looks matte.. any suggestions on how to fix? TIA

  3. How many coats did you do of the mod podge?

    1. I used 2 - you could probably do three, but 2 covered it pretty well.

  4. I noticed comments on the glitter looking matte. I have not tried this project but on others, you have to make sure you're using Krylon Crystal Clear. If it only says Clear, it can cause the glitter to fog or look matte.

    1. Yes! Great point! It has been a few years since I made this - but I remember seeing the difference between both.

  5. Hello. I used the Krylon Crystal Clear but I can still feel the glitter. Is there a sealer I can use that will give it a smoother finish?

  6. will these stand up to normal hand washing?

  7. can you oven bake these to set glue?
